Working for the Weekend: Baby and Family Health Fair

You’ve heard the song, “Everybody’s Working for the Weekend…” For me, most of the time, this is true. But sometimes, I participate in weekend health fairs or conferences as an exhibitor. Today, I participated in a Baby and Family Fair, in partnership with my local hospital. 

it's still early. we did get busier, i promise!

my exhibit game-face
i love seeing these in public restrooms!

Rebecca’s Heroes
In honor of my local hospital, today I pick the Tallahassee Memorial Animal Therapy Program. I have a serious case of puppy love, and these precious pooches deserve high praise for comforting those in need. And their trainers too, of course! A big THANK YOU to everyone involved with animal therapy. 
i know, i said i was going to do a work-wear post next.
decided to postpone that, for a bit. until next time...:)

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