Before I get into today’s topic, I wanted to take a moment to mention a couple
of my new blog headings. I like to keep tabs of existing and potential blog
topics, which are found on my Subject List . If you have suggestions,
please feel free to comment below. There’s also my Orange Wall, which has been
up for a while. And, my brand-new Welcome to the Future , where I will
share news from around the world, mostly related to sustainable practices and work-life
balance, but any piece that will help us to grow, and move forward. And now, on
with the topic!
A couple months
ago, I attended the Florida Rural Health Association Summit at the Rosen Plaza in beautiful Orlando, Florida. I run exhibit tables for a living, so I travel
to conferences and meetings, with my 30-second elevator pitch, always ready to
Over the years,
I’ve learned how to make the most my conferencing experience. Some of what I
share may or may not work for you, but if you are a business traveler, I hope
that this post will at least help you to think through how you can get the
maximum return on your trips. Because, let’s face it, work, and even leisure
travel, can be exhausting!
When tabling, it
can be very easy to just do the bare minimum. It is tempting to put up your
display, plop down in a chair, hide behind a laptop or other device, and coast
through the exhibit hall experience. During the exhibit hall hours, I like to
stand by my table, as much as possible, for a couple of reasons. First, it
helps me to interact with other conference-goers. This doesn’t mean that I need
to chase people down, and interrupt their conversations. But, I want to make
myself available, when people have questions. And, standing burns more calories
than sitting. With all the yummy conference food, and eating on the run, I need
all the help I can get!
conferences allow the exhibitors to attend the meeting sessions. Most that I’ve
attended have allowed me to sit in on the conference presentations, with the
other attendees. It can be tempting during the presentations to hang out in the
lobby, catch up on social media, etc. But when I participate in the full
conference program, it helps me to engage with the other attendees, and I learn
so much about the topics at hand. As you know, any worthwhile conference is
going to recruit the best speakers and leaders possible. At the Rural Health
Summit, I participated in a discussion about the opioid crisis, and I learned
so much. It was very eye-opening, and sobering.
The Rosen Plaza
is a real treat, for business, or leisure!
We all want to
have some fun on business travel, right?! Once again, it can be tempting to “check
out and drink up” 😉 However, whenever I have over-indulged
(mostly on food, since I’m a pretty moderate drinker), I usually regret it when
I get home, and have to face the effects of my nosh fest. My work trips
are fairly short, usually two to four nights. A couple ideas that keep me
focused: I like to pick one night out on the town, and stay in the other
nights. Staying in allows me to rest and relax, and perhaps check out the venue
pool! If you feel pressured to go out every night, visit my Social Work post for some thoughts.
I always attend the post-conference party, or “social hour”, even if it’s just
for a few minutes, and even if I’m exhausted. I think it’s nice to show up, and
at least say hello to the conference organizers, and thank them for their work.
And, if you are entertaining clients, suggest that you meet at the conference
social. This takes some of the pressure off you, to be constantly “on”. Clients
can mix and mingle with everyone, and it provides them with more opportunities
to network. Sometimes, you can work with the conference organizer to add one or
two more hors d'oeuvres stations at
the social hour, specifically for your clients. It never hurts to ask!
After your
trip, if you can squeeze in a mini-vacation, go for it! For me, I always have lots
of work waiting back at my desk, so it causes more stress to go on holiday,
straight from conferencing. But if you can swing it, it may be a convenient way
to fit in some down time.
Conferencing in
Exhibit Hall!
Checking out
the Presentations,
Kim knows the
importance of a well-stocked coffee and tea station! 😊
The line forms
behind me, 😉
You had me at
Home Fries!
Burger Bites!
Fruit Kabobs!
Mini Soup
Tabled! |
some chocolate, with your Medical Recruitment?
Plaza Entrance!
Before I wrap
up this post, I want to give a super shout-out to Upside Travel. Finally, a
service that understands the needs of a business traveler. I am loving the 24/7
Navigators, and the automatic receipts, which is a must, for me! Check ‘em out,
and let Upside be your favorite travel companion, 😊
you have biz travel tips and tricks that you would like to share? Please
comment below, and thank you for reading!