Work-Worthy Resources

We interrupt this blog post to say…Today marks the six month anniversary of Work Life! Thank you so much for reading!! Now, back to the subject at hand…

I’ve compiled a list of work-worthy resources. You may have your own list. If you have resources that you would like to share, please comment. Here’s what’s working for me:

Salter Mitchell My program hired SM to conduct a focus group, and I was able to watch it behind a two-way mirror. They were very professional and thorough. I have a social marketing background, and their sister company, Marketing for Change, is fantastic. They are who I think of first for my marketing and research needs.

Mind Tools I love Mind Tools, and I love, love, love their You Tube account!

About.Me About Me hosts my personal web page. I like the format (no scrolling!). Links, bio, picture and hashtags, all on one page. Very nice!

Marriott: I am impressed with The Marriott’s web content. I love their LinkedIn presence, lots of great work advice, and very inspiring.

Google +  I like to think of it as my personal online library. When I find an interesting article, I often save the link to my profile, so that I can read it later, and then I have it as a reference. I also have a collection where I post blog updates, and work life news.

Lynda and Khan My two favorite learning tools, hands down:  Why? Across the board, excellent content - Even on Google +, which is very important to me.

Rebecca’s Heroes…I found three!
When you need to up your style game, look no further than Career Gear, and Dress for Success! As mentioned, work style is about more than the clothes you wear. A nice interview outfit, along with encouragement, support, and mentoring can give you the extra confidence you need to nail that important interview. Thank you to both organizations for recognizing this.

I’ve worked in the restaurant industry. There’s lots of turnover, so it can be hard to form a cohesive team. It’s not exactly a nurturing environment. Seamore’s is a great example of a place that cares for its employees. I’m currently studying sustainability, and I appreciate their support of sustainable fishing practices. Restaurateurs, do your best to offer insurance to your employees. Shop around, many companies will work with you. Easier said than done, I know. But the effort is appreciated.

thank you for reading!

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